Norwich Lock Company

Norwich Lock Manufacturing Company FactoryThe Norwich Lock Company was established in Norwich in 1865 and reorganized as the Norwich Lock Manufacturing Company in 1872. By 1888, the company, located on the banks of the Shetucket River, employed 275 workers and produced an impressive 2,200 tons of merchandise annually. At that time, it was one of the three largest lock manufacturers in the United States.

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Situated near the current headquarters of Norwich Public Utilities at the end of South Golden Street, the Norwich Lock Mfg. Co. specialized in a wide range of builders’ hardware, including mortise locks and door hardware, along with a diverse selection of padlocks. Most of these padlocks, particularly the wrought iron or smokehouse types, are marked with “N.L.M. Co.”

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In 1891, the company relocated to Roanoke, Virginia, where it operated until closing its doors in 1905.

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