Antique Door Knobs

Antique door knobs can be a singular statement piece, bringing life to an entire room. Antique doorknobs in particular have character and beauty that resonate throughout the years.

We carry large selection of salvaged and antique door knobs ranging from the mid 1800’s through the 1950’s. They come in a variety of materials including: brass, bronze, cast iron, porcelain, composition, steel, wood and more. Designs inspired by everything from Eastlake furniture to Greek and Roman temples and everything in between. Some door knobs are highly ornate. Others fit right into an ultra modern house.

Each knob is meticuously cleaned while the original patina is preserved as much as poossible. Sets come with on original adjustable shaft which fit most doors.

We carry a large number of manufacturers including: Yale, Branford, Russell and Erwin, Lockwood, Gilbert, Dibble, Niles/Chicago, Penn, Corbin, Reading and more!

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